For Blood Advocacy Week (June 10-14, 2024), consider joining the effort to spread awareness about the importance of regular blood donation. Blood is an essential public health resource that is needed every day of the year for surgeries, traumatic injuries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and end-of-life palliative care. As it is estimated that a patient requires a transfusion every two seconds, and currently there is no substitute for human blood, the blood supply needs to be constantly replenished. Despite its critical nature, blood shortages remain a challenge in many communities.
Blood Advocacy Week aims to empower communities through awareness and action. By educating the public about the impact of blood donation on patient care and survival rates, individuals can make informed decisions about contributing to the health of their communities. By engaging policymakers and stakeholders in discussions about the importance of blood donation and the safe and equitable access to life-saving blood products, advocates can encourage policy reform and increased government funding for blood services, effecting positive change in the healthcare system.
This press release from America’s Blood Centers contains the letter to Members of Congress requesting their support for regarding the blood supply as a national priority. If you would like to add your voice to urge Congress to act in support of the blood supply, you can personalize and send your own digital version of the letter. Feel free to express why this cause matters to you or share a relevant story you may have.
To learn more about the cause, visit