
Cross-Country Cyclist Stops by Member Center ImpactLife to Raise Blood Donation Awareness

New York resident Bob Barnes has hit the streets of America for a bicycle tour of the 50 state capitals. While on his year-long journey across country, he is taking the time to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation by stopping in to some donor centers along the way.

Recently, Barnes visited three of ImpactLife’s locations. He donated platelets in Burlington, IA and again in Madison, WI.  At the Springfield, IL location he was invited on a tour of the facility to get a better understanding of the various aspects involved in the blood donation process.

Channel 3000 News interviewed Barnes while donating at the ImpactLife donor center in Madison.

To follow his progress, visit the Facebook page documenting his journey: Bibbery Travels

Video: NY man visits Madison amid effort to donate blood, platelets in all 50 state capitals [YouTube]