HemaTerra Technologies is pleased to announce a new relationship with IT Synergistics to reduce the cost of operations and redundant data entry for our mutual clients. Organizations using HemaTerra’s integrated products – HemaConnect donor recruitment, HemaControl order entry and inventory management, and HemaComply product QC and equipment management – who also use IT Synergistics’ LifeTec Elite / DoVac Elite systems will now have even greater efficiencies in their operations.
“Partnering with HemaTerra to create a communication platform between our LifeTec Elite / DoVac Elite systems and HemaTerra’s HemaConnect, HemaControl and HemaComply applications gives our customers a time-saving advantage” said Tim Bryant, Managing Director of IT Synergistics.
“Any time we can automate processes, limit workarounds, and eliminate lags in data we help our partner clients lower costs in recruitment, order entry, inventory management and lab services,” said Todd Collins, president and CEO of HemaTerra Technologies. “Our collaborations help maximize resources using systems already in place – it’s a win for our clients and the industry.”
About HemaTerra
HemaTerra Technologies works exclusively with organizations that collect blood, platelets, plasma and other biologic products. Its web-enabled technology products bring choices back to blood and plasma centers. HemaTerra provides end-to-end operational software systems that have more features, more integration and less cost.
About IT Synergistics
IT Synergistics (ITSy) is a customer driven, 510 (k) approved blood establishment computer system (BECS) vendor. Based upon an ongoing review of member blood centers’ strategic plans and initiatives, ITSy’s customers identify, prioritize, and recommend strategic additions to ITSy’s overall portfolio. IT Synergistics is committed to meeting blood centers’ software needs.